I'm a little late on this post... it's been a busy week. Gryph turned one on Tuesday (5/6/09)! It doesn't feel like it's been a year since we welcomed him into our lives. I could swear it was yesterday that I was waking up every hour on the half hour to feed him, or watched him stare at the ceiling fan making little cooing noises, or took him to my mom's office to show him off to her co-workers. Now he's making more noises, but they sound more like talking that cooing. He's walking everywhere, many times trying to figure out how to run! (How I long for the days that I could leave him lying on the living room floor on his play mat to get some chores done) He's also climbing on anything he can, toys, chairs, people... you name it he's climbing on it.
Gryph's personality is really developing. He's still easy going, but much more determined to get his way. Lucky for us he doesn't throw tantrums, he just persists and points at what he wants. Gryph LOVES the water! The backyard pool and bath tub are his two favorite places. He loves blondes, playing with blocks, reading books, going for walks and bike rides, playing chase with daddy, eating blue berries, drinking from cups, being outside, Little Einsteins, and his mommy!
I'm so proud of my little man! Happy Birthday Gryphon!
Jon made an awesome birthday cake for the party here's a picture of it: