So I haven't talked much about my son, Gryphon. He's the light of my life and has been doing some pretty amazing things recently.
1. He has 8 teeth, the two on either side of his bottom two middle teeth came in 2 weeks ago!
2. He has stood unassisted 4 times, we keep trying to find ways to get him to stand but he's not falling for them.
3. He bear crawls! Hands and Toes! It's so cute to see his little butt so high in the air. I've heard this is a step closer to walking!
4. Gryph stacks blocks!!! So far he has made stacks of 2 and 3 blocks. It's amazing and he's so cute when he places one block on top of the other, he'll look at us and clap. So, of course we clap for him.
5. We received this wonderful shape sorting cube from one of my Aunt and Uncles in NJ. The day that we got it Gryph was able to pop the shapes into the correct holes! I was floored! He needs a lot of help matching the shape to the hole, but will turn the pieces until they are the right direction and will put them into the hole. It's amazing to see his concentration, he plays with this toy for up to 20 minutes...quite a while for a 10 month old.
6. Gryph's working on new sounds, he has down B, D, S, A, O, and now V! The face he makes when he does the V sound is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Along with these new sounds are new sound combos that make it sound like he's talking. I swear he said "Nap" after I asked if he was ready for his nap, I asked several times, just to be sure. When I laid him down he fell right to sleep! He also loves to pull Jon's socks out of the sock drawer,and says something that sounds quite a lot like "socks".
7. Finally his new favorite game is to blow rasberries (or zerbits) on my belly! These little play sessions can last 15 minutes, I'm amazed that he hasn't hyperventilated! Again he makes the cutest faces when he comes up for breath!
Gryph also loves being outside! So much so that if he sees an open door then he runs (crawls with lightning speed!) for the door and cries if the door is closed before he can get out it! He can also play for more than an hour outside, and still make a fuss when it's time to go in! I'm very excited for when he gets older and wants to play outside instead of sittitng inside playing video games.
I think that's enough bragging for now! I can't help it, I'm so PROUD of my baby boy!!!!
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