That's right you heard me, He's MAGIC!
His magic power you ask? The ability to put G to sleep without (or with minimal) crying. For you non-parents out there, this is true magic. I don't know how he does it. I can put G down for a nap, or to bed for the night and he will scream, cry, and pound on the walls.
Enter the magician; Jon slips into G's room, closes the door behind himself (I'm not allowed to see him work his magic), less than 5 minutes later the room will be silent. Jon slips back out and G is asleep for the night.
It's magic I tell you, magic.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I haven't bloged in a while, very many various reasons. One being that I can't think of anything to say... So I "borrowed" an idea from my friend Amanda. She took a 20 questions interview from a free Parenting mag that is put out in Charleston. So here are my answers to the questions
20 Questions with….Katie
1. How do you juggle children, work and home?
That's easy, I stopped working. Well going to a place of employment, my house and son are my job now.
2. The mountains or the beach?
Beach, though I would rather be in a place you could go to either.
3. What is your favorite TV Show?
Honestly, I'm addicted to TV. I've been working on cutting back, especially during the day. I love Bones, Chuck, and So You Think You Can Dance?
4. How did you meet your spouse.
We worked together at HornBlower Cruises and Events, he was the weird BackStreet Boys singing chef that made me laugh.
5. When is the house clean?
Just before I go to bed, when we get up, and while Gryph sleeps.
6. What do you wish your child would do?
Talk. I wish he could tell me what's bugging him rather than make this aweful whining noise.
7. What do you wish you could do?
Play soccer, lose 30 lbs, keep my house clean (or un-cluttered) and whistle.
8. What would surprise people about you?
The thing that does suprise people are the things I say, I don't have an edit button...I think something and it comes out, no matter how weird or offensive or stupid. I'm always embarassed.
9. What does summer mean for you family?
Trying to avoid the humidity and trying to fit in quality family time around school time.
10. What do you have on your nightstand?
Alarm clock, lamp, water glass, 3 Gryph books, Sinus rinse, halls, vitamins, tampon, blue tooth, remote for fan. (see what I mean about being cluttered?)
11. What would you take from your childhood to give your child?
Life experiences few other kids get... living in a foriegn country. (that's my biggie) Having the security of a loving home.
12. Why might parenthood surprise someone?
The love you feel, you know you're going to love that little person, but you're suprised by how much... and how hard it is. Being a parent isn't "fun", its a responsability that can be very fun!
13. What is your favorite indulgence?
I don't know if I have one.
14. What’s the funniest thing your child has ever said?
He doesn't talk yet. But he loves to blow rasberries on my belly, especially when he's tired. It's so funny to watch him come up for breathes!
15. What was your first job?
Baby Sitter
16. What makes you child wonderful?
He's so sweet, and is naturally funny. He loves to make us laugh, and is super easy going.
17. What makes him not so wonderful?
There's this noise he makes, it's the most annoying thing I've ever heard.
18. What should every parent have?
19. How do you find “me” time?
I take 20 mins to myself when he naps or I ask Jon to take Gryph on a bike ride or out for a while.
20. What has life taught you?
To trust myself, I'm still working on practicing the lesson. But my gut is rarely wrong.
20 Questions with….Katie
1. How do you juggle children, work and home?
That's easy, I stopped working. Well going to a place of employment, my house and son are my job now.
2. The mountains or the beach?
Beach, though I would rather be in a place you could go to either.
3. What is your favorite TV Show?
Honestly, I'm addicted to TV. I've been working on cutting back, especially during the day. I love Bones, Chuck, and So You Think You Can Dance?
4. How did you meet your spouse.
We worked together at HornBlower Cruises and Events, he was the weird BackStreet Boys singing chef that made me laugh.
5. When is the house clean?
Just before I go to bed, when we get up, and while Gryph sleeps.
6. What do you wish your child would do?
Talk. I wish he could tell me what's bugging him rather than make this aweful whining noise.
7. What do you wish you could do?
Play soccer, lose 30 lbs, keep my house clean (or un-cluttered) and whistle.
8. What would surprise people about you?
The thing that does suprise people are the things I say, I don't have an edit button...I think something and it comes out, no matter how weird or offensive or stupid. I'm always embarassed.
9. What does summer mean for you family?
Trying to avoid the humidity and trying to fit in quality family time around school time.
10. What do you have on your nightstand?
Alarm clock, lamp, water glass, 3 Gryph books, Sinus rinse, halls, vitamins, tampon, blue tooth, remote for fan. (see what I mean about being cluttered?)
11. What would you take from your childhood to give your child?
Life experiences few other kids get... living in a foriegn country. (that's my biggie) Having the security of a loving home.
12. Why might parenthood surprise someone?
The love you feel, you know you're going to love that little person, but you're suprised by how much... and how hard it is. Being a parent isn't "fun", its a responsability that can be very fun!
13. What is your favorite indulgence?
I don't know if I have one.
14. What’s the funniest thing your child has ever said?
He doesn't talk yet. But he loves to blow rasberries on my belly, especially when he's tired. It's so funny to watch him come up for breathes!
15. What was your first job?
Baby Sitter
16. What makes you child wonderful?
He's so sweet, and is naturally funny. He loves to make us laugh, and is super easy going.
17. What makes him not so wonderful?
There's this noise he makes, it's the most annoying thing I've ever heard.
18. What should every parent have?
19. How do you find “me” time?
I take 20 mins to myself when he naps or I ask Jon to take Gryph on a bike ride or out for a while.
20. What has life taught you?
To trust myself, I'm still working on practicing the lesson. But my gut is rarely wrong.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My baby's not a baby anymore!

I'm a little late on this post... it's been a busy week. Gryph turned one on Tuesday (5/6/09)! It doesn't feel like it's been a year since we welcomed him into our lives. I could swear it was yesterday that I was waking up every hour on the half hour to feed him, or watched him stare at the ceiling fan making little cooing noises, or took him to my mom's office to show him off to her co-workers. Now he's making more noises, but they sound more like talking that cooing. He's walking everywhere, many times trying to figure out how to run! (How I long for the days that I could leave him lying on the living room floor on his play mat to get some chores done) He's also climbing on anything he can, toys, chairs, people... you name it he's climbing on it.
Gryph's personality is really developing. He's still easy going, but much more determined to get his way. Lucky for us he doesn't throw tantrums, he just persists and points at what he wants. Gryph LOVES the water! The backyard pool and bath tub are his two favorite places. He loves blondes, playing with blocks, reading books, going for walks and bike rides, playing chase with daddy, eating blue berries, drinking from cups, being outside, Little Einsteins, and his mommy!
I'm so proud of my little man! Happy Birthday Gryphon!
Jon made an awesome birthday cake for the party here's a picture of it:

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Norm was our dog, she (yes Norm is a girl) was put down today. Normandy was 16 years old. When we went to the pet store to pick her out, it was on a whim, really Nick had finally pestered my parents so long about getting an iguana they just wanted to shut him up. I have no idea how we went into the pet shop for an iguana and came out with a puppy, but we did. Norm was the chubbiest puppy in her litter, she was also the calmest puppy in her littler (sound like a character from Cheers?). We found out her birthday was the day after the anniversary of D-Day... So the best name for her was Normandy, and we called her Norm for short.
She went on her first backpacking trip when she was a puppy, she even had her own backpack. When we (the humans) went for a swim in a trail-side pond, Norm was so protective of us she jumped in the pond (without ever having been swimming before). Of course when she got out to us, she nearly drowned us! Near the end of our week long trip we hiked 12 (?) miles the last 4 miles were up a steep slope of sand and rock. Norm led the way...
Norm was an amazing camper and backpacker. She was also a wonderful walking partner. She and I would walk the entire outer perimeter of Coronado, several times a week while I was in high school.
My most favorite memories of Norm are from more recently. When I moved home from school I began to notice that when Norm and I were home alone, no matter how sick she was, she would position herself between me and the door. Norm was a very protective dog... ok so she thought she was and put up a good front. But when it came down to it her bark was worse than her bite. She sent more than one delivery person running out of or jumping over our front gate!
Norm had a very expressive face, and I will miss seeing it when I come home. After battling cancer for 2 yrs, she finally decided she couldn't do it anymore. She stopped eating and drinking. The last two days she struggled to stand up. I'm glad she's no longer in pain. I love my dog. I miss her.
I wish I had a picture of her on my computer so I could post it with this.
She went on her first backpacking trip when she was a puppy, she even had her own backpack. When we (the humans) went for a swim in a trail-side pond, Norm was so protective of us she jumped in the pond (without ever having been swimming before). Of course when she got out to us, she nearly drowned us! Near the end of our week long trip we hiked 12 (?) miles the last 4 miles were up a steep slope of sand and rock. Norm led the way...
Norm was an amazing camper and backpacker. She was also a wonderful walking partner. She and I would walk the entire outer perimeter of Coronado, several times a week while I was in high school.
My most favorite memories of Norm are from more recently. When I moved home from school I began to notice that when Norm and I were home alone, no matter how sick she was, she would position herself between me and the door. Norm was a very protective dog... ok so she thought she was and put up a good front. But when it came down to it her bark was worse than her bite. She sent more than one delivery person running out of or jumping over our front gate!
Norm had a very expressive face, and I will miss seeing it when I come home. After battling cancer for 2 yrs, she finally decided she couldn't do it anymore. She stopped eating and drinking. The last two days she struggled to stand up. I'm glad she's no longer in pain. I love my dog. I miss her.
I wish I had a picture of her on my computer so I could post it with this.
Friday, April 17, 2009
He walked!
Tuesday Gryph took his first steps, to me!
We were playing in the living room, Jon and I were watching Gryph put "his" (appropriated from the kitchen)blue sauce pot on his head. He put the pot down and stood up to look in his toy basket. Being the silly mom I am, I mimicked him. Gryph thought it was silly and tried to take the pot from me, in doing so he reached for me and took 2 steps to get closer to me! I bawled! I was so happy for him, but also so sad to see him step further away from being a baby! (pun intended)
Jon has been trying to call Gryph a "toddler" for the last 4 or 5 months, ever since he started crawling. I've always argued that he hasn't officially toddled, well now he has, so now he's a toddler!
After the first two steps he took two more to me. We tried to get him to walk to Jon, but he kept sitting down. We let him rest and 15 minutes later he took 7 steps to Jon and the blue pot! He did this in front of our friend Scass (not his first name) and I cried... again... and then got teased for being such a sappy mom!
In the last two days he's gotten really daring and has taken a step away from me towards something else. But only one step. In no time he's going to be running circles around me and I'm going to be hating that he's not crawling.
In the mean time I guess I should by him some shoes!
We were playing in the living room, Jon and I were watching Gryph put "his" (appropriated from the kitchen)blue sauce pot on his head. He put the pot down and stood up to look in his toy basket. Being the silly mom I am, I mimicked him. Gryph thought it was silly and tried to take the pot from me, in doing so he reached for me and took 2 steps to get closer to me! I bawled! I was so happy for him, but also so sad to see him step further away from being a baby! (pun intended)
Jon has been trying to call Gryph a "toddler" for the last 4 or 5 months, ever since he started crawling. I've always argued that he hasn't officially toddled, well now he has, so now he's a toddler!
After the first two steps he took two more to me. We tried to get him to walk to Jon, but he kept sitting down. We let him rest and 15 minutes later he took 7 steps to Jon and the blue pot! He did this in front of our friend Scass (not his first name) and I cried... again... and then got teased for being such a sappy mom!
In the last two days he's gotten really daring and has taken a step away from me towards something else. But only one step. In no time he's going to be running circles around me and I'm going to be hating that he's not crawling.
In the mean time I guess I should by him some shoes!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I can't find pants!
Why don't clothing companies make pants that fit a bigger girl? Why do they make plus sized clothes in "low rise"? Nobody wearing a size 16 or larger should be wearing low rise pants!
I'm trying to find decent looking, resonably priced shorts and pants for the summer... and everything that would be flattering on me is LOW RISE! I spend most of my day bent over, I don't need to show off my crack to the whole world.
Ugh. I just needed to rant.
I'm trying to find decent looking, resonably priced shorts and pants for the summer... and everything that would be flattering on me is LOW RISE! I spend most of my day bent over, I don't need to show off my crack to the whole world.
Ugh. I just needed to rant.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Mommy bragging time!

So I haven't talked much about my son, Gryphon. He's the light of my life and has been doing some pretty amazing things recently.
1. He has 8 teeth, the two on either side of his bottom two middle teeth came in 2 weeks ago!
2. He has stood unassisted 4 times, we keep trying to find ways to get him to stand but he's not falling for them.
3. He bear crawls! Hands and Toes! It's so cute to see his little butt so high in the air. I've heard this is a step closer to walking!
4. Gryph stacks blocks!!! So far he has made stacks of 2 and 3 blocks. It's amazing and he's so cute when he places one block on top of the other, he'll look at us and clap. So, of course we clap for him.
5. We received this wonderful shape sorting cube from one of my Aunt and Uncles in NJ. The day that we got it Gryph was able to pop the shapes into the correct holes! I was floored! He needs a lot of help matching the shape to the hole, but will turn the pieces until they are the right direction and will put them into the hole. It's amazing to see his concentration, he plays with this toy for up to 20 minutes...quite a while for a 10 month old.
6. Gryph's working on new sounds, he has down B, D, S, A, O, and now V! The face he makes when he does the V sound is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Along with these new sounds are new sound combos that make it sound like he's talking. I swear he said "Nap" after I asked if he was ready for his nap, I asked several times, just to be sure. When I laid him down he fell right to sleep! He also loves to pull Jon's socks out of the sock drawer,and says something that sounds quite a lot like "socks".
7. Finally his new favorite game is to blow rasberries (or zerbits) on my belly! These little play sessions can last 15 minutes, I'm amazed that he hasn't hyperventilated! Again he makes the cutest faces when he comes up for breath!
Gryph also loves being outside! So much so that if he sees an open door then he runs (crawls with lightning speed!) for the door and cries if the door is closed before he can get out it! He can also play for more than an hour outside, and still make a fuss when it's time to go in! I'm very excited for when he gets older and wants to play outside instead of sittitng inside playing video games.
I think that's enough bragging for now! I can't help it, I'm so PROUD of my baby boy!!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Something so funny, that I realized a few weeks ago
Before moving to South Carolina I HATED reality tv, especially shows about rich people that are superficial and waste their money on stupid things...
Now that I'm here I've been watching almost all of the reality shows I hated. I am so grossed out by myself. Then I started thinking about why I watch the shows, here's what I came up with:
That's right, there's no work drama, no friend drama, no mama drama. I'm a drama free person, but my subconcious is having a hard time accepting my drama free life. So it's seeking out stupid reality shows. I now watch both Real Housewives, American Idol, Chopped, Hell's Kitchen, Sober House, and yes I've watch 2 episodes of Real World (ugh!). I also love all of the competition reality shows on Bravo...even Make Me a Super Model.
But how nice is it to know I have no drama in my life? Pretty cool.
Now that I'm here I've been watching almost all of the reality shows I hated. I am so grossed out by myself. Then I started thinking about why I watch the shows, here's what I came up with:
That's right, there's no work drama, no friend drama, no mama drama. I'm a drama free person, but my subconcious is having a hard time accepting my drama free life. So it's seeking out stupid reality shows. I now watch both Real Housewives, American Idol, Chopped, Hell's Kitchen, Sober House, and yes I've watch 2 episodes of Real World (ugh!). I also love all of the competition reality shows on Bravo...even Make Me a Super Model.
But how nice is it to know I have no drama in my life? Pretty cool.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Home sick
Now that I have my tickets home, and now that I am going home I am getting SUPER homesick! I keep day dreaming about all of the places I want to go, and the food I want to eat, and the people I want to see. I'm so excited to be able to go to Concert in the Park, and to celebrate Gryphon's first birthday with our family and friends. Not to mention we'll be in town for Jon's brother's (Luke) 30th (?) birthday and my mom's __ birthday!
I'm also extremely nervous to fly, alone with a one year old. That's right when Gryphon and I come home he will be one! We have one seat for the two of us....he can't stand to sit still for longer than 3 seconds! I'm not sure how he's going to handle two planes and a 3 hour layover. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. I don't think I'll be drinking anything before the second, and longest, flight; the idea of leaving Gryph in the seat while I go to the bathroom or trying to fit both of us in the airplane bathroom seems a little rediculous.
Fortunatly for me, a good friend is flying with her one year old this week. I'm hoping to benefit from her experiences.
I'm also extremely nervous to fly, alone with a one year old. That's right when Gryphon and I come home he will be one! We have one seat for the two of us....he can't stand to sit still for longer than 3 seconds! I'm not sure how he's going to handle two planes and a 3 hour layover. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. I don't think I'll be drinking anything before the second, and longest, flight; the idea of leaving Gryph in the seat while I go to the bathroom or trying to fit both of us in the airplane bathroom seems a little rediculous.
Fortunatly for me, a good friend is flying with her one year old this week. I'm hoping to benefit from her experiences.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So 2 months ago I had to stop nursing was a very hard and sad time for me. I had always thought that I would nurse my baby to his first birthday, if not longer. My milk production slowed drastically after the "Mad Dash" cross country drive from SD to Goose Creek. I was giving Gryph more bottles than I wanted because it was easier and faster to bottle feed him in the car. If I oculd do it all over I would never have given him formula, I would have waited for my milk to come in, and had a cranky baby for a few days. (Now I know for next time)
So when Gryph turned 7 months, I had to stop nursing him.
TONIGHT I was getting into the shower and noticed some milk plugs (I'm not going to explain for those of you who don't know, it's kinda TMI). So I decided to clean them out, and as I was squeezing....Milk came out! So I took my shower, and I felt let down (not sad).... I decided to try to express after I got out of the shower.
I was successful.... well sort of. I got enough out from each side to cover the bottom of a bottle. That bottle is now in the fridge with water in it to keep the milk from going sour over night. Tomorrow Gryphon is getting some of mommy's goodness with his morning bottle!!
I am so excited. I felt like a failure as a mom when I had to stop nursing him early. Now I feel better.
So when Gryph turned 7 months, I had to stop nursing him.
TONIGHT I was getting into the shower and noticed some milk plugs (I'm not going to explain for those of you who don't know, it's kinda TMI). So I decided to clean them out, and as I was squeezing....Milk came out! So I took my shower, and I felt let down (not sad).... I decided to try to express after I got out of the shower.
I was successful.... well sort of. I got enough out from each side to cover the bottom of a bottle. That bottle is now in the fridge with water in it to keep the milk from going sour over night. Tomorrow Gryphon is getting some of mommy's goodness with his morning bottle!!
I am so excited. I felt like a failure as a mom when I had to stop nursing him early. Now I feel better.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
This story made me want to cry.
It's crap like this that makes me sick! When a father can't play outside without worrying that he's going to be robbed and killed! What the hell is wrong with people, that they attack a man in front of his 5 yr old daughter!!!!
This story along with the kid who shot his friend, the kid who shot his dad's pregnant girlfriend, the kid that shot his dad........all these horrible stories are in the news and people still think that the government shouldn't make it harder to get guns???? It makes me so sad and mad.
This story along with the kid who shot his friend, the kid who shot his dad's pregnant girlfriend, the kid that shot his dad........all these horrible stories are in the news and people still think that the government shouldn't make it harder to get guns???? It makes me so sad and mad.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Things I want to do in my life-- My Bucket list
In no particular order here are some of the things I want to do in my life...
Volunteer regularly
Write poetry, again
Learn how banking/ financial stuff works (seriously I have no clue about money related things)
Live in Japan!!!! (this is in the top 10, maybe even top 5)
Have another baby
Feel good about myself, for longer than an hour.
Be the person that remembers to send birthday cards to friends.
Take my kids camping and backpacking often
Be a positive influence in people's lives.
Play soccer again
Learn to quilt
Learn to sew
Learn to knit- I would love to make my own scarves,and baby blankets
Work out regularly
Live in Hawaii
Build our dream house
Go para-gliding
Have the house all my kids' friends want to hang out at!
Have the house my friends want to hang out at
Maintain my oldest friendships
Be strong enough when I have to be
Read a new book every month
There are more things, I can't think of them right now. I'm working on some, others will take a while, others I will constantly have to work on.
What's on your list? (maybe I can steal them)
Volunteer regularly
Write poetry, again
Learn how banking/ financial stuff works (seriously I have no clue about money related things)
Live in Japan!!!! (this is in the top 10, maybe even top 5)
Have another baby
Feel good about myself, for longer than an hour.
Be the person that remembers to send birthday cards to friends.
Take my kids camping and backpacking often
Be a positive influence in people's lives.
Play soccer again
Learn to quilt
Learn to sew
Learn to knit- I would love to make my own scarves,and baby blankets
Work out regularly
Live in Hawaii
Build our dream house
Go para-gliding
Have the house all my kids' friends want to hang out at!
Have the house my friends want to hang out at
Maintain my oldest friendships
Be strong enough when I have to be
Read a new book every month
There are more things, I can't think of them right now. I'm working on some, others will take a while, others I will constantly have to work on.
What's on your list? (maybe I can steal them)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A little life update
So far I've used this blog to vent... mostly. So here's an update on what's been going on with us.
Gryph- (he's the most interesting)
Last Sunday he got sick, his first real illness. For 4 days his temp hovered between 102.7 and 104.2, we went to urgent care twice (once doctor didn't even notice he was a boy!), and the ER once (they were very helpful). Jon and I have had to pun Gryph down every day, twice a day for the last 4 days to give him antibiotics...we finally realized it was much easier to put it in his bottle with his formula.
He is nearly 10 months old! Is crawling like a champ, and creeping around the furniture...he's been very daring and will hold on to a chair with his finger tips and reach out with the other hand to get to a table or toy. He's even stood on his own for a few seconds!!! Which is very exciting, but also very scary. Finally he's getting the hang of walking while holding onto our hands! To brag a little more, I think we played roll the ball for the first time yesterday.
Jon- I shared that he graduated with Honors last week, now he's in a holding pattern called T-Track. He's waiting to "class-up" and for his security clearance to come through. Hopefully they happen at the same time. Jon's made a really close friend Scass, who we have adopted into our family. Gryphon loves him to pieces, he cried the last time he saw Scass leave!
Me- nothing really changes with me. I love being at home, but am looking to explore our area and find new things for Gryph and I to do. I've made one really amazing friend, and a few other good friends. If it weren't for these people I'm pretty sure I would be insanely home sick. I'm growing into my role as a Navy Wife, a relatively smooth transition from Navy Kid. I've had several "Navy Wife" experiences, things I remember my mom and her friends talking about. Late night calls, running friends to the clinic with a sick kid, play groups, late nights laughing and enjoying a glass or two of wine, last minute baby sitting, etc. It may not seem like much to you, but it fills my heart!
The best news I have right now is that Gryphon and I will be able to celebrate his birthday in San Diego. We're going to be home May 19-27!
Gryph- (he's the most interesting)
Last Sunday he got sick, his first real illness. For 4 days his temp hovered between 102.7 and 104.2, we went to urgent care twice (once doctor didn't even notice he was a boy!), and the ER once (they were very helpful). Jon and I have had to pun Gryph down every day, twice a day for the last 4 days to give him antibiotics...we finally realized it was much easier to put it in his bottle with his formula.
He is nearly 10 months old! Is crawling like a champ, and creeping around the furniture...he's been very daring and will hold on to a chair with his finger tips and reach out with the other hand to get to a table or toy. He's even stood on his own for a few seconds!!! Which is very exciting, but also very scary. Finally he's getting the hang of walking while holding onto our hands! To brag a little more, I think we played roll the ball for the first time yesterday.
Jon- I shared that he graduated with Honors last week, now he's in a holding pattern called T-Track. He's waiting to "class-up" and for his security clearance to come through. Hopefully they happen at the same time. Jon's made a really close friend Scass, who we have adopted into our family. Gryphon loves him to pieces, he cried the last time he saw Scass leave!
Me- nothing really changes with me. I love being at home, but am looking to explore our area and find new things for Gryph and I to do. I've made one really amazing friend, and a few other good friends. If it weren't for these people I'm pretty sure I would be insanely home sick. I'm growing into my role as a Navy Wife, a relatively smooth transition from Navy Kid. I've had several "Navy Wife" experiences, things I remember my mom and her friends talking about. Late night calls, running friends to the clinic with a sick kid, play groups, late nights laughing and enjoying a glass or two of wine, last minute baby sitting, etc. It may not seem like much to you, but it fills my heart!
The best news I have right now is that Gryphon and I will be able to celebrate his birthday in San Diego. We're going to be home May 19-27!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Pick a lane!!
I need to vent!
Everyone says that California and New York drivers are the worst... obviously they've never driven in South Carolina.
Every time I go out and drive off base I see at least one person driving half in their lane and half in my lane. EVERY TIME! Ok so, some times they're riding the hash marks, but more often than not their wheels are fully in a second lane.
How oblivious, or drunk, or dumb do you have to be to not realize or care where your car is on the road?!
Everyone says that California and New York drivers are the worst... obviously they've never driven in South Carolina.
Every time I go out and drive off base I see at least one person driving half in their lane and half in my lane. EVERY TIME! Ok so, some times they're riding the hash marks, but more often than not their wheels are fully in a second lane.
How oblivious, or drunk, or dumb do you have to be to not realize or care where your car is on the road?!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So proud!
Jon has been in A school, the first part of his schooling to become a Nuclear Electronics Technicion for the Navy, for the past 6 months. The hours have been long, the program intense, and the information fast paced and very challenging. Yesterday (2/9/09) Jon took his final Comprehensive test, or "Comp" for A school. He PASSED with HONORS! That means his score was 3.6 or higher (his was higher!)
I am just bursting with pride! He worked his butt off, and had obligations outside of school that none of this classmates had (have). He was the only married guy in the class until Christmas break and he is the only father! He managed to balance his insane work load and his family life!
I'm so proud.
Just thought I'd share!
I am just bursting with pride! He worked his butt off, and had obligations outside of school that none of this classmates had (have). He was the only married guy in the class until Christmas break and he is the only father! He managed to balance his insane work load and his family life!
I'm so proud.
Just thought I'd share!
Monday, January 19, 2009
I had to get this out, and off my chest.
I don't even know how to begin this posting. In the last couple of months I have this desperation to seek out God. I've been a Christ follower for almost 2 years, many people wouldn't know that. I've always felt uncomfortable talking about God and religion. I had (and to some extent still do have) some problems with "church". It's taken me a long time to figure out that God and church are two different things. I also had problems with Christians, or anyone that was religious. The main problem I had was that I thought God's main message was to love your neighbor.
I should start this by saying that growing up we didn't go to church. I did go to church with friends. I went to lots of different churches, I even went to Catholic school for 4 yrs. What I heard at most of the churches was basically "If you don't believe our version of the Bible or don't believe at all, then you're a bad person and you're going to hell." I would think to myself, "Wow, God's mean, angry, and doesn't like people." But I remembered from my Catholic school days that God is love, and we're supposed to love our neighbors. I was so confused.
It was the same with individuals that called themselves believers.
I couldn't see myself being like them, and hating people that were different from me. I'm a pretty accepting person, or I try to be. I've been told many times that I'm too politically correct. (hmm, sorry but I will never, ever be ok with the word Retard being used as a stand in for Stupid, Dumb, etc)
When Jon and I began dating he told me he was a Christian. I told him I didn't know what I believed or if I believed in anything. We had several conversations, though he wasn't going to push his beliefs on me. (Good thing too, it never would have worked) I remember very clearly Jon telling me I could believe whatever I wanted, but that he would be really sad not to see me in Heaven. (ouch)
After he said that I agreed to go to his church, to try it on, again. I felt so out of place; there was music (really good music), people were singing, and raising their hands up, and clapping to the music. I was doing none of those things, and felt like everyone was looking at me because I wasn't doing the same things as they were. I felt like a hypocrite. I didn't belong there.
When we started out pre-marital counseling it was even worse. The guy who interviewed us, I don't know if it was to see if we were "good marriage candidates" or what. When he found out that I wasn't a Christ follower laid a huge guilt trip on me, basically told me I was going to hell because I didn't believe, and the topper, "You might as well believe, because what's is going to hurt?" Really? "what's it going to hurt?" I almost closed myself off right then and there.
Then we met Susie and Andy, our councilors. An amazing married couple who welcomed me, asked me questions and answered questions I had to the best of their ability. They sat with us on Sundays, and introduced us to people. They became our friends.
Then there was Ed, Pastor Ed. I've never heard anyone preach the way he does. I never understood the Bible, or Christianity. But his messages made sense, they spoke to current themes, to real life, they didn't lecture me about what I could or couldn't do, or who is "good" and who is "bad". And he is smart, going from translations to original language, giving context and history. Explaining how life was when the different passages were written. And best of all, he showed that God is the One to judge, not us. Our job is to love our neighbors, and to become better, more knowledgeable, to commit to God.
I saw where God was working in my life. I tried praying, and my prayers were answered. I began to see how Blessed my life was/is. Just before Jon and I got married I decided to ask God to come into my life. It was such a powerful day, and I'm still convinced that the prayer Ed said was directed at me. He even said, "I knew it." When I raised my hand so he could pray for me and my decision.
So why am I writing all of this in a blog?
In the last few months I've felt this urge to get back to church. At first it was a gentle nagging, it only happened every once in a while. Lately, in the past 3 weeks it's been a desperate push. Before we moved to Charleston I looked into churches but nothing seemed like it was near what we were used to. I found a church that was a "come as you are" church and listened to a pod-cast...the pastor has a thick South Carolina accent, and unfortunately southern accents have a tendency to make the speaker sound less intelligent than they are. (I know it's a totally horrible thing to think and say... but....) With this new desperation to get back to church, and to continue my journey as a Christ follower,I began the search anew. Last week Jon and I found a church that seems to be a good fit. I'm glad we've found a new church, but it still doesn't seem to be enough to quiet this urge. So I've decided to talk about my beliefs, to tell people that I believe in God and that Jesus died on the cross for us.
I should start this by saying that growing up we didn't go to church. I did go to church with friends. I went to lots of different churches, I even went to Catholic school for 4 yrs. What I heard at most of the churches was basically "If you don't believe our version of the Bible or don't believe at all, then you're a bad person and you're going to hell." I would think to myself, "Wow, God's mean, angry, and doesn't like people." But I remembered from my Catholic school days that God is love, and we're supposed to love our neighbors. I was so confused.
It was the same with individuals that called themselves believers.
I couldn't see myself being like them, and hating people that were different from me. I'm a pretty accepting person, or I try to be. I've been told many times that I'm too politically correct. (hmm, sorry but I will never, ever be ok with the word Retard being used as a stand in for Stupid, Dumb, etc)
When Jon and I began dating he told me he was a Christian. I told him I didn't know what I believed or if I believed in anything. We had several conversations, though he wasn't going to push his beliefs on me. (Good thing too, it never would have worked) I remember very clearly Jon telling me I could believe whatever I wanted, but that he would be really sad not to see me in Heaven. (ouch)
After he said that I agreed to go to his church, to try it on, again. I felt so out of place; there was music (really good music), people were singing, and raising their hands up, and clapping to the music. I was doing none of those things, and felt like everyone was looking at me because I wasn't doing the same things as they were. I felt like a hypocrite. I didn't belong there.
When we started out pre-marital counseling it was even worse. The guy who interviewed us, I don't know if it was to see if we were "good marriage candidates" or what. When he found out that I wasn't a Christ follower laid a huge guilt trip on me, basically told me I was going to hell because I didn't believe, and the topper, "You might as well believe, because what's is going to hurt?" Really? "what's it going to hurt?" I almost closed myself off right then and there.
Then we met Susie and Andy, our councilors. An amazing married couple who welcomed me, asked me questions and answered questions I had to the best of their ability. They sat with us on Sundays, and introduced us to people. They became our friends.
Then there was Ed, Pastor Ed. I've never heard anyone preach the way he does. I never understood the Bible, or Christianity. But his messages made sense, they spoke to current themes, to real life, they didn't lecture me about what I could or couldn't do, or who is "good" and who is "bad". And he is smart, going from translations to original language, giving context and history. Explaining how life was when the different passages were written. And best of all, he showed that God is the One to judge, not us. Our job is to love our neighbors, and to become better, more knowledgeable, to commit to God.
I saw where God was working in my life. I tried praying, and my prayers were answered. I began to see how Blessed my life was/is. Just before Jon and I got married I decided to ask God to come into my life. It was such a powerful day, and I'm still convinced that the prayer Ed said was directed at me. He even said, "I knew it." When I raised my hand so he could pray for me and my decision.
So why am I writing all of this in a blog?
In the last few months I've felt this urge to get back to church. At first it was a gentle nagging, it only happened every once in a while. Lately, in the past 3 weeks it's been a desperate push. Before we moved to Charleston I looked into churches but nothing seemed like it was near what we were used to. I found a church that was a "come as you are" church and listened to a pod-cast...the pastor has a thick South Carolina accent, and unfortunately southern accents have a tendency to make the speaker sound less intelligent than they are. (I know it's a totally horrible thing to think and say... but....) With this new desperation to get back to church, and to continue my journey as a Christ follower,I began the search anew. Last week Jon and I found a church that seems to be a good fit. I'm glad we've found a new church, but it still doesn't seem to be enough to quiet this urge. So I've decided to talk about my beliefs, to tell people that I believe in God and that Jesus died on the cross for us.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Something you should try
Guiness and Edy's (or Breyer's) Slow Churned Vanilla Bean ice cream. There's something about the sweet of the Vanilla Bean mixed with the bite of the Guiness.
Now I'm not saying make a float; take a bite, swallow, then take a's sooo good.
Now I'm not saying make a float; take a bite, swallow, then take a's sooo good.
UGH! Why can't people spell
Okay so I'm not the best speller. I will admit that. But oh my gosh, I can spell the simple words.
I'm on a mommy website, People are constantly asking for advise and telling us that sense things are happening one way, etc. It's really, really getting on my nerves. I'm not sure if I should go into every group I'm in and post the correct spelling/meaning. I probably won't, but I'm soooo tempted every time I see people making these mistakes.
There was one post that had so many things wrong, punctuation, spelling, missing words.... I was thinking the worst thoughts about how uneducated the person was. I had to remind myself that not everyone has had the life that I have, that has been fortunate enough to go to amazing schools, with wonderful teachers in a safe city. I'm so glad that I was blessed with parents that loved and provided for me, and took an interest in my life.
Back to my frustrations. I think everyone should read the book: Eats shoots and leaves. If you haven't heard of it, it's a book by a teacher, or a group of teachers. They take examples of student work and show how, without the proper punctuation, groups of words can have completely different meanings. For example, the title of the book was taken from a report on Pandas! The panda eats, shoots, and leaves. But they should have left out the commas. It's so funny to me, but possibly because I'm a teacher? I dunno.
I'm on a mommy website, People are constantly asking for advise and telling us that sense things are happening one way, etc. It's really, really getting on my nerves. I'm not sure if I should go into every group I'm in and post the correct spelling/meaning. I probably won't, but I'm soooo tempted every time I see people making these mistakes.
There was one post that had so many things wrong, punctuation, spelling, missing words.... I was thinking the worst thoughts about how uneducated the person was. I had to remind myself that not everyone has had the life that I have, that has been fortunate enough to go to amazing schools, with wonderful teachers in a safe city. I'm so glad that I was blessed with parents that loved and provided for me, and took an interest in my life.
Back to my frustrations. I think everyone should read the book: Eats shoots and leaves. If you haven't heard of it, it's a book by a teacher, or a group of teachers. They take examples of student work and show how, without the proper punctuation, groups of words can have completely different meanings. For example, the title of the book was taken from a report on Pandas! The panda eats, shoots, and leaves. But they should have left out the commas. It's so funny to me, but possibly because I'm a teacher? I dunno.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Why I love SC and the Navy life!
Why I love South Carolina, ok well mostly just Charleston.
Number 1-

Number 2- The archetecture. Downtown Charleston is the most amazing place I've ever seen. The iron work for the gates and window guards alone are breath taking, add to that the HUGE mansions, and old, old, old buildings. I have "My favorite roof, park, and windows". We go see them every time we're Downtown.
Number 3- The History! Everywhere you turn there's a historic building turned something else. An old slave auction building turned into an open air market, fire station turned into restaurants, etc. We've only been to one plantation... but they're also EVERYWHERE!
Number 4- The weather! Talk about variety. It was 80 degrees with 90% humidity when we got here. It rained every few days, and if we were lucky we got a thunder and lightning storm.(we had quite a few, I LOVED IT!) We've had both hurricane and tornado warnings, flooding, rediculous wind storms, earthquakes (if you can believe that), crazy heat, below freezing days and nights. It's wonderful! I love being able to see and feel the seasons change.
Why I love the Navy life.
Number 1- My new friends. They have helped me through tough times and have shared in some wonderful moments. They have made life more fun, comfortable, and easy. I love them and enjoy every second I have with them. I've also been able to reciprocate for them as well. I'm so glad we can be there for eachother. Like my mom was for her Navy wife friends.
Number 2- Jon's pride in himself, and his job. It's amazing to see him grow because of his new job. He's amazing. I'm so proud of him.
Number 3- Job security. (do I have to say more)
Number 4- I love the Navy trash! You see when Navy people move they throw away perfectly good stuff; you see sometimes you're only allowed a certain weight, or you're moving overseas and you can't take your furnature with you, or your kids have out grown toys and you haven't had time to sell their old toys. Today I got the most amazing chair, and it looks nearly brand new! We've also gotten Gryph a few toys from these curbside treasures!
Number 5- The chance to live where we never would otherwise. We're thinking or going to Guam or Hawaii for our next duty station. And after that possibly (I pray for this) Japan!
Number 1-

Number 2- The archetecture. Downtown Charleston is the most amazing place I've ever seen. The iron work for the gates and window guards alone are breath taking, add to that the HUGE mansions, and old, old, old buildings. I have "My favorite roof, park, and windows". We go see them every time we're Downtown.
Number 3- The History! Everywhere you turn there's a historic building turned something else. An old slave auction building turned into an open air market, fire station turned into restaurants, etc. We've only been to one plantation... but they're also EVERYWHERE!
Number 4- The weather! Talk about variety. It was 80 degrees with 90% humidity when we got here. It rained every few days, and if we were lucky we got a thunder and lightning storm.(we had quite a few, I LOVED IT!) We've had both hurricane and tornado warnings, flooding, rediculous wind storms, earthquakes (if you can believe that), crazy heat, below freezing days and nights. It's wonderful! I love being able to see and feel the seasons change.
Why I love the Navy life.
Number 1- My new friends. They have helped me through tough times and have shared in some wonderful moments. They have made life more fun, comfortable, and easy. I love them and enjoy every second I have with them. I've also been able to reciprocate for them as well. I'm so glad we can be there for eachother. Like my mom was for her Navy wife friends.
Number 2- Jon's pride in himself, and his job. It's amazing to see him grow because of his new job. He's amazing. I'm so proud of him.
Number 3- Job security. (do I have to say more)
Number 4- I love the Navy trash! You see when Navy people move they throw away perfectly good stuff; you see sometimes you're only allowed a certain weight, or you're moving overseas and you can't take your furnature with you, or your kids have out grown toys and you haven't had time to sell their old toys. Today I got the most amazing chair, and it looks nearly brand new! We've also gotten Gryph a few toys from these curbside treasures!
Number 5- The chance to live where we never would otherwise. We're thinking or going to Guam or Hawaii for our next duty station. And after that possibly (I pray for this) Japan!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Our house is the hangout house.
So I've always wanted to have the house that people come to to hang out. You know that house, the one that's always fun, where you feel comfortable, welcome, and at home. I love having people around, socializing, laughing, hanging out, talking, etc.
My house is slowly but surely becoming that house! The first weekend we moved to SC we had two of Jon's friends from bootcamp over for dinner and video games. They came back every Friday for the next 4 months! We've adopted a few other sailors along the way. Friday has become our big "boys" night. It usually spills over to Saturday morning/afternoon. You should see the livingroom on Saturday morning, there's one person on the couch, and possibly another on the floor, and the there's usually someone in the "worlds most comfortable" bed in the office. (The boys have dubbed it that, though I agree whole heartedly).
There's nothing that gets me going quite like having a group at home, enjoying themselves.
It can get a little silly here, we apparently have a lot better of an internet connection than then boys to in their barrecks. So they are constantly on their laptops, checking e-mail, blogs, goofy websites, etc. We were BBQ-ing in the screened in patio on a very nice night. So Jon and I told the boys to come out side to join us while the food was being cooked. They came out, but so did their laptops, haha.
(Now I'm going to climb on to my soap box)
What has this world come to that you can't just sit in a lounge chair and enjoy nature, a warm breeze, good conversation, and relax. Now we need to have constant stimulation. Computers, tvs, cell phones with texting and e-mail.
I'm not perfect, but I have been trying to make a point of turning off the tv, computer, and cell and just enjoy the quiet and being with my family and friends.
I don't know if anyone's going to read this, but I hope you take the time to "unplug" and just sit outside and take in what nature and God have to show you. Gryphon and I really like sitting out in the patio watching the wind blowing through the trees.
What do you like?
My house is slowly but surely becoming that house! The first weekend we moved to SC we had two of Jon's friends from bootcamp over for dinner and video games. They came back every Friday for the next 4 months! We've adopted a few other sailors along the way. Friday has become our big "boys" night. It usually spills over to Saturday morning/afternoon. You should see the livingroom on Saturday morning, there's one person on the couch, and possibly another on the floor, and the there's usually someone in the "worlds most comfortable" bed in the office. (The boys have dubbed it that, though I agree whole heartedly).
There's nothing that gets me going quite like having a group at home, enjoying themselves.
It can get a little silly here, we apparently have a lot better of an internet connection than then boys to in their barrecks. So they are constantly on their laptops, checking e-mail, blogs, goofy websites, etc. We were BBQ-ing in the screened in patio on a very nice night. So Jon and I told the boys to come out side to join us while the food was being cooked. They came out, but so did their laptops, haha.
(Now I'm going to climb on to my soap box)
What has this world come to that you can't just sit in a lounge chair and enjoy nature, a warm breeze, good conversation, and relax. Now we need to have constant stimulation. Computers, tvs, cell phones with texting and e-mail.
I'm not perfect, but I have been trying to make a point of turning off the tv, computer, and cell and just enjoy the quiet and being with my family and friends.
I don't know if anyone's going to read this, but I hope you take the time to "unplug" and just sit outside and take in what nature and God have to show you. Gryphon and I really like sitting out in the patio watching the wind blowing through the trees.
What do you like?
Friday, January 9, 2009
So if you're reading this you probably know me, and if you know me you know me pretty well. I'm not the kind of person to hold back much. I love to talk, and I guess a blog is the natural place for me to be.
Now that I'm a stay at home mom the only person I really get to talk to is Gryphon. He's a great listener, but doesn't contribute too much. I can cut him some slack though, he's only 8 months old. He's one of two people that own my heart. The other is of course Jon, my husband and best friend. Jon's the one person that has truely understood me, some times better than I understand myself. He has a way of seeing past my flakey, goofy, often mixed up outer layers to the core of me.
I can get off onto amazing tangents, Jon doesn't seem to mind too much, and can get me back on topic. He also appreciates the weird comments that I make, often helping me to laugh at myself instead of feeling embarrassed.
Okay, speaking of tangents...
Jon and I have spent the last three years making huge changes in our lives.
I started and finished my teaching credential program. Jon completed his culinary training program. While I was in school, Jon proposed, I said yes. I got a job teaching middle school in my hometown, with former teachers, and made some wonderful new friends. Jon planned out wedding while working at the company we both met at. Jon got a new job at a 5 star restraunt. We got married. I switched classes, teaching pre-school and kindergarten. Jon quits his job, hoping to find something that he's really passionate about. I get pregnant. Jon decides to join the Navy. He loses 60 lbs. I gain 25 lbs. Gryphon Kingsley is born. Three weeks later Jon leaves for basic training. He graduates, we move to Charleston, SC. I become a stay at home mom, and Jon is taking the Navy Nuclear school by storm. Gryphon figures out how to crawl and to pull himself up.
WHEW!!!! It's been a crazy couple of years. But we've enjoyed it all. I'm looking forward to things slowing down, for a little bit anyway.
So if you decide to subscribe to my blog then hopefully I keep it up, and hopefully I keep it entertaining.
Now that I'm a stay at home mom the only person I really get to talk to is Gryphon. He's a great listener, but doesn't contribute too much. I can cut him some slack though, he's only 8 months old. He's one of two people that own my heart. The other is of course Jon, my husband and best friend. Jon's the one person that has truely understood me, some times better than I understand myself. He has a way of seeing past my flakey, goofy, often mixed up outer layers to the core of me.
I can get off onto amazing tangents, Jon doesn't seem to mind too much, and can get me back on topic. He also appreciates the weird comments that I make, often helping me to laugh at myself instead of feeling embarrassed.
Okay, speaking of tangents...
Jon and I have spent the last three years making huge changes in our lives.
I started and finished my teaching credential program. Jon completed his culinary training program. While I was in school, Jon proposed, I said yes. I got a job teaching middle school in my hometown, with former teachers, and made some wonderful new friends. Jon planned out wedding while working at the company we both met at. Jon got a new job at a 5 star restraunt. We got married. I switched classes, teaching pre-school and kindergarten. Jon quits his job, hoping to find something that he's really passionate about. I get pregnant. Jon decides to join the Navy. He loses 60 lbs. I gain 25 lbs. Gryphon Kingsley is born. Three weeks later Jon leaves for basic training. He graduates, we move to Charleston, SC. I become a stay at home mom, and Jon is taking the Navy Nuclear school by storm. Gryphon figures out how to crawl and to pull himself up.
WHEW!!!! It's been a crazy couple of years. But we've enjoyed it all. I'm looking forward to things slowing down, for a little bit anyway.
So if you decide to subscribe to my blog then hopefully I keep it up, and hopefully I keep it entertaining.
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